Having the comfort of knowing that by paying your premium you now have property insurance to protect, assist, and help you in a property damage situation is not exactly what you think it’s made up to be.
It is a common misunderstanding that your insurance policy covers “everything” which is not entirely true. The insurance company is also an interest in the property therefore have specific language embedded in the policy that protects them from being held responsible for “everything” and even allows opportunities of a repair instead replace option that may benefit the insurance company and not be suitable to you the policy holder. The policy contains a large amount of verbiage that consists of many exclusions and specific endorsements that can change the way your claim is or should be handled. Without having the experience and knowledge to truly understand your policy coverage it can possibly lead to incorrect or mishandling of the claim process which can lead to a not suitable claim payout.
When damage to your home or business occurs it can cause emotional stress, confusion, and loss of your valuable time. Having the opportunity to hire our team at 1st Priority Public Adjusters consisting of over 4 years and 11,000+ hours of claim handling experience to professionally assist you in guiding you down the correct path to ensure that you receive an expedited maximum payment for all coverages you as the insured are entitled to is virtually priceless.
Our team will take the burden off of you by providing our experience and knowledge by meeting with you immediately to determine cause of loss and extent of damages, conduct all claim paperwork required by the insurance carrier, coordinate and communicate with the insurance carrier and their adjuster, prepare the estimate, and negotiate with the insurance company with drive and determination until a secured settlement that is suitable to you the insured is reached.
If necessary, we work closely with additional licensed and bonded professionals such as plumbers, air conditioning technicians, roofers, general contractors, water mitigation and remediation, mold remediation, and Attorneys so you can maintain focus on getting your home or business back to pre-loss condition as if it never happened.